Friday, September 19, 2008

Hi, well as far as my...

Stop your rituals today!

Q.) Hi, well as far as my OCD goes, I really do feel all alone. When I was first diagnosed with it, I did not believe it. Even though I have an intense fear of germs and contamination, still I didnt want to believe I had OCD because some of my symptoms are very unlike the symptoms described as being an OCD issue. Then I turned to the internet and asked around to people that also have OCD, and describing the symptoms I have and if they go through the same thing. No one that I asked has this problem. Well anyways, my question is kinda embarassing, but Ill try, so here goes.....I dont know, but I guess what Im asking is, can this actually be a rare and very unique symptom, or can it be something that alot of OCDers go through and I just met anyone who does yet? Ok, my main OCD symptom is that, well, I have a spitting obsession. But unlike how guys just spit because its in their nature, my problem is like 10 times worse. I spit 24/7. Well, what I mean is, I carry a large glass with me to spit in and take it everywhere I go, even into stores, because my compulsion to spit usually happens every 5-10 minutes. If I tried to hold it in, it builds up, and this scares me and I freak out because I CAN NOT swallow it for any reason. If I do, my body will be severely poisoned, and I could die. I can clearly see that this drives my family crazy, but I just cant help it! Please help me on this issue. Is this very rare, or do many people have this same issue? Pleeeeeeeease reply soon ok? Thanks for reading. Im desperate for answers. Its impossible for me to sleep at night because of this OCD issue, so please help in any way that you can!!!!! Many, many thanks to you for taking the time to read this.

Q.) There are many rituals that are embarrassing. You don't have to worry about that aspect. Just think about where your saliva comes from. God made our bodies the way they are. There are only a few things that a human needs to survive and you know that spitting is not one of them. I swallow my saliva all the time and I'm not dead yet. Sometimes we need to say our fears out loud. Think of how many people you know that don't do this ritual. Think of how many of them are alive. Your brain should be able to see that you don't need to spit. You should swallow right as you are reading this. If you have anxiety, know that in your stomach there is hydrochloric acid which can melt most things. It can definitely destroy saliva, so it's impossible for you to be poisoned. God would not give us saliva if it could poison us, so you know it can't. What you need to do is just swallow, see how it's uncomfortable but it's not going to kill you. Even when the fear is strong, just know that you will live through it, I guarantee it!

Stop your rituals today!

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