Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Question below

84.) Can it affect a relationship, I feel my husband has OCD. When you try to talk to him he just shut you out. He is obessive about himself, clothes, looks , has 86 dress slacks 100 ties etc. When he does something he starts out slow and than does not know when to stop. When there is any kind of pressures in his life he runs. Please help me are these sign of OCD.

A.) Yes, these are the tell tale signs. What you can do is the same thing my girlfriend did for me when I had OCD. She didn't enable me, I would try to get her to do rituals with me or even for me and she refused. She however, was there for me. She told me she believed in me and that I could beat this. She was right the whole time even though I did not believe her. She would help me find materials that would help with my OCD and that is what you are doing here so you're doing the right thing. Although he may not be open at first, be patient. Don't shove OCD materials down his throat. He has to want to change, Just be understanding and remind him that he needs to face this for his family so that the family can be happy. Be there, but express your concerns. Be honest. Put yourself in his shoes as best you can and try to feel what he feels. Ask him how it feels. This way you can be more understanding and you can think of ways to help him through. Read through these posts or better yet, if he reads through these posts, it will give him some tools he can use that will make his journey a lot easier! I wish I had this resource when I had OCD, that's for sure!

(Questions are briefly answered here in this blog. I am currently creating a product that will answer these questions in great detail with "how to" step-by-step instructions and audio, so check for this in up coming e-mails!)

"Forever gone OCD!"

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