Friday, November 21, 2008

Q.) how can you stop the phobias?

A.) Facing them one by one is the best way to stop them. You have to not worry about them as much. Well, how do you do that? Notice the way that you react to them when they come up. When you think of them, what kind of thoughts come to your mind? Are you afraid, are you mad? Think about this and notice this. Then what you can do is to try to act a different way. Say next time you get a phobia thought, you can say, no, instead of being afraid, I am going to be happy because this is a fresh opportunity for me to be able to get over this phobia. Now you have a chance to show yourself what you are made of. Don't worry if the first times you try to face your fears, you get really scared. That is natural. But continue until you succeed and use all the other resources on this site to help you on your journey!

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