Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Question below!

Q.) very severe ocd n my whole day is spent doing compulsions,dont know wat am i doing,i am very nsucessfull,bored,i am complete waste....

A.) You are not a complete waste, you are suffering from obsessive thoughts. You may not know how they happened but they did and now you've got to deal with them and ultimately get rid of them. You are doing right by looking for help. The Bible says that if you seek, you will find! Good for you, you are half way there, because you have admitted that there is a problem and have sought help. Now what will help you? Tons of things. I remember when I had to quit my job because I would not work but just perform rituals! That is horrible! I pushed everyone away and lost everyone! Because I chose the OCD over them. I chose to be ruled by my fear.

I want you to know that knowing and having been where you are there is hope. You just have to start choosing your friends and happiness and not your fear. This week, I want you to see how long you can go without performing your toughest ritual. Make a record for yourself and let me know how far you made it!

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