Thursday, November 20, 2008


A.) You don't try. The harder you try to block out a thought, the more it will persist. Instead, you focus on something else and get immersed in it and the bothersome thought will fade away on it's own.

Here's an example: You are trying not to think about avoiding cracks in the road when you walk. You start to think about what you have to do today and then you start to think about your job and then about school and then that project that's due, then you start to think about how it's going to get done and when it should be done and somewhere along the line you forgot about the cracks in the road and then you realize that you forgot about the cracks in the road so you get a shot of anxiety again and start to avoid the cracks in the road again.

This week keep practicing changing your thought patterns like I just outlined. It's good mental practice and is very powerful with some practice.

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