Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Q.) how did I get here?

A.) By repetition of your OCD thoughts and OCD actions, you have trained yourself to behave like someone with OCD. In my OCD I found that even though it seemed almost instant that I had it, and it basically happens like that for most people. We make it worse by how we react to it. If you react like it's major, it will be major to us, if we react like it's no big deal, our brain sees that and that's how you start to re-train yourself by taking on this new way of thinking. Actually it's not new, just rediscovered so to speak. You have control over the things that you don't think you have control over.

(Questions are briefly answered here in this blog. I am currently creating a product that will answer these questions in great detail with "how to" step-by-step instructions and audio, so check for this in up coming e-mails!)

"Get gone OCD!"

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