Sunday, August 24, 2008

Q.) who i deal with ocd thoughts?

A.) We all have thoughts that pop into our minds and we've developed a habit on focusing on them. What we need to wake up and realize is that although we cannot control what pops into our head, we CAN control what we focus on. Practice focusing on the thoughts that you want to think about and dismissing thoughts that you don't like. It's like when Luke skywalker started to become a jedi, the force was weak with him and after he practiced and worked at it, he became a jedi master. I want you to become a jedi master of your mind, where instead of being influenced by your thoughts, you influence your thoughts, some food for thought...

(Questions are briefly answered here in this blog. I am currently creating a product that will answer these questions in great detail with "how to" step-by-step instructions and audio, so check for this in up coming e-mails!)

"Goodbye OCD!"

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