Sunday, August 24, 2008

Q.) Where does it come from?

A.) OCD is caused by placing priorities on the fears you experience. A good way to stop this cycle is to diminish the priority you place on your fears. For ex: If you feel like you might get fired at work, instead of focusing on not being able to pay your bills, not being able to eat or any other problems, focus on what doors this could open with you to the point where you actually realize that it's not the end of the world and that you actually get excited about the prospect of getting fired to the point that you may actually quit. Try this, it's fun!

(Questions are briefly answered here in this blog. I am currently creating a product that will answer these questions in great detail with "how to" step-by-step instructions and audio, so check for this in up coming e-mails!)

"Let go of OCD now!"

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