Saturday, August 23, 2008

Question below

Q.) thanks Derek, it's good to be in contact with a source of wisdom in this respect of area. I have already bought the guide, thanks.

Do you actually have any other written/published information on OCD for ppl to view?

- And i also had a question within the subject:

'What is a truely effective way to evade and dissolve unnecassary thought(s) that come out of no where and seem to entomb you and your energy into a completely innert and extended daydream, until a something 'clicks' ?? Because I find this happening sometimes is extremely irritating and stressful. Just the habit and innertia state I can't seem to shake out of sometimes when thoughts are concerned.

Please provide a tip on this if possible.

A.) I am working on another product now, I don't feel like it's ready yet, There are some awesome new features and sections that are being created right now, so stay tuned for that.

A quick way to dissolve unnecessary thoughts is to say the thought out loud, along with the fear. For example; I am afraid to open the microwave because I feel like I'll get fired from my job if I do it wrong. When you say this out loud to yourself it will sound silly to you and then you can say to yourself, "I choose not to focus on a silly, unproductive thought like this." Then you focus on something that you love. This is where you need to find a passion, it will give you something to focus on and make you happy.

(Questions are briefly answered here in this blog. I am currently creating a product that will answer these questions in great detail with "how to" step-by-step instructions and audio, so check for this in up coming e-mails!)

"No more OCD!"

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