Sunday, August 24, 2008

Q.) Why do I have thoughts about hurting people?

A.) Our brains have a tendency to focus on things that we don't want to think about as a result of how we've been taught to think. What with the media and all and how almost everything on the news and in the newspaper is negative. The world also frowns upon failure so our brain becomes familiar with thinking negatively. Have you ever heard that voice in your head that says, "I'm ugly, I'll probably fail, I could accidentally drop this baby, what if i jumped off this building, what if i stabbed someone with a knife?" These are all disturbing thoughts and how we react to them will determine how they affect us. If you say to yourself, "I am not afraid of that thought, I know that I would never do anything like that and I will now focus on what I love which can fill in the blank with your family, the beach, your job, your passion, God, whatever or whoever you love and whatever or whoever gives you good thoughts."

(Questions are briefly answered here in this blog. I am currently creating a product that will answer these questions in great detail with "how to" step-by-step instructions and audio, so check for this in up coming e-mails!)

"Become free from obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

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