Friday, September 5, 2008

I've gone to a therapist a whole year with no clear results!

Q.) I know I suffer from some sort of anxiety and I have been speaking with a good therapist for over a year. I am getting better slowly (I think) but I feel overwhelmed at times. Can this condition really be cured? Does OCD affect mental capacity permanently or does it just cause you to lose focus when you are experiencing a bout of the obsession/compulsion?

A.) I really hate hearing this, how you've been to your therapist for a year with no results that you can clearly see. Don't worry, it's not your fault, it's theirs. I would urge you to stop wasting your money with them. As far as I am concerned, they are robbing you. That said, OCD does not affect you permanently, it is just a habit, like smoking or anything else. There are conflicting studies saying ocd affects the brain, and that ocd doesn't. All I can tell you is this, I had major ocd and now it's gone. It didn't come easy, I had to refuse performing rituals, but the long term benefits far outweighed the short term suffering! You have everything you need in your brain right now to become OCD free. Just decide that you don't want to suffer with it anymore, read the quote on the next page that has a link at the bottom of this answer, which says it all.

"Become free from obsessive compulsive disorder today!"

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