Friday, September 5, 2008

Question below

Q.) How do you deal with OCDs involving, what seems to me to be the biggest questions of all, anxieties about religion, death and the after life (if there is one)? For me, this is trying to thing the unthinkable and in a proper state of mind a person would probably not dwell on it , be not afraid and move on. But for me my mind often ruminates on these thoughts and causes me great stress and suffering.

A.) To this day, when something major happens, I have thoughts try to get me to wrestle with them. I just refuse to fight. I woke up this morning and I got this shot to my stomach of fear because of an ocd thought I had. I then laughed and said, "My initial reaction is fear, but after I realize that, I will choose not to fear this thought, it's a thought I created. I will not create a thought and then fear it. This thought is an ocd thought and I dismiss it." Easier said then done I know, but try it. It's so liberating. I am able to do this on the rare occasions they occur. It's all part of being OCD free. The thoughts still happen and with time less and less, but I have long since performed rituals. I can't remember the last time.

"Let go of OCD today!"

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