Monday, September 1, 2008

Q.) I have fear that i will kill my mother with a do i deal with this.

A.) The fact that you fear that you will kill your mother with a knife means that you probably won't do it. What we resist persists. If you keep trying to "RESIST" these thoughts, they will persist! When the thought of killing your mother with a knife pops into your head, ask yourself, "What if I don't kill my mother with a knife?" "What if instead, I tell her how thankful I am for her?" Then I can see right now that you could do this then the thought would pop back in your mind and your anxiety would spike again and you would be like, why did it only work for seconds? Then ask yourself this, Do you want to go to jail for life? Do you want to let negative thoughts that you don't have control over tell you what to do? Absolutely not! No one on the planet can control what thoughts pop into their mind, but we can control what we dwell on. When that thought pops into your mind, just tell yourself that it's an irrational thought and that you are not going to be afraid by it and that that is not who you are and that you are not going to give this thought any more of your focus. You just don't have time to waste on dumb thoughts!

(Questions are briefly answered here in this blog. I am currently creating a product that will answer these questions in great detail with "how to" step-by-step instructions and audio, so check for this in up coming e-mails!)

"Let go of your obsessive compulsive disorder today!"

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