Thursday, November 20, 2008

Q.) how do you stop relapse

A.) The same way you stopped OCD in the first place. Relapse usually tries to happen when the person is going through an event or a "percieved" event of significant important to the person.

This is the time when you need to focus on what you did in the first place and continue using those techniques.

As an ex-smoker, I used to crave cigarettes and I even relapsed a couple times. Every time I did what I did the first time to quit and never gave up. Now it makes me sick to even think about smoking and I'm not kidding. It really makes me sick.

One way to help is to go to youtube and watch videos of people with OCD. You will see these people and feel sorry for them, then you will think, "Am I like that?" "I don't want to be like that!" This will help deter your brain from using OCD as a coping mechanism.

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