Saturday, November 29, 2008

Question below!

Q.) What makes it so impossible to ever feel peace again on something once ocd has targeted that thing. ie: I used to have a very strong faith but after many intrusive upsetting thoughts I feel like I can\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t escape their shadow and constantly feel like something is wrong. Will I ever feel peace again?

A.) When Jesus was fasting for forty days and nights, the devil went up to Him and tempted Him time and time again. Jesus stood his ground until the devil went away. You must do the same thing. Jesus has shown us that it can be done, not by telling us, but also by doing it Himself. I am not Jesus, but I have been in your position and have withstood the thoughts by letting them exist but focusing on that which I love and since it's my mind, I felt like I should be able to think about that which I want to think about, don't you agree? If you do, be firm with yourself and decide to think about what you want to think about. Be the leader of your thoughts, not the follower. No one is going to come along and annoint you the leader of your thoughts, you just have to take that position and it's just as easy as deciding that that is what you are going to do!

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