Sunday, November 23, 2008

Q.) is being indecisive ocd

A.) It can a a sign of OCD or an early warning sign of OCD. If you want to nic that in the butt right now, go to a restaraunt today and order the best thing you can find in five seconds. Don't waver, don't doubt it, stand by your decision.

Go to the mall and if you're a guy, approach a girl and say, Hey, I want your opinion on something, do women prefer someone who is decisive in that they make quick decisions or someone who takes their time with decisions?"

If you are a lady, ask a random man this. If you afraid that he may think you are hitting on him, ask a guy that is working at one of the stores so he can't follow you.

The reason it has to be the opposite sex is because this will help you even further to face indecisiveness.

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