Friday, August 22, 2008

Q.) How do you stop yourself from cleaning?

A.) After you clean the things that have to be cleaned once, tell yourself even out loud if you want, "I've done this and I refuse to do it again, period." Then do something else, like exercise or reading, tv, etc. The best way is to write down a to-do list of the things that need to be done for that day and keep yourself busy with those things so you can see that nothing bad will happen if you don't re-clean anything. Your brain has to see that by not performing the ritual, your fear did not happen. When your brain sees that your fear did not happen, it makes a connection and an association and this is part of learning how to reprogram your mind.

(Questions are briefly answered here in this blog. I am currently creating a product that will answer these questions in great detail with "how to" step-by-step instructions and audio, so check for this in up coming e-mails!)

"Get OCD out of your life"

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